

Where Are The Men?

June Theme: Authority in the Home (Husbands/Fathers)


      “The number of children living with two parents has dropped since 1968, while the percentage living with their mother only has doubled.” This is the first line of an article published on April 12, 2021 about American households (Paul Hermes and Chanell Washington, “Number of Kids Living Only With Their Mothers Has Doubled In 50 Years”,

      God said in 1 Timothy 5:8, “But if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.”

      God views this as it is — a travesty! Since the beginning, God instituted the family unit knowing full well the benefits it would bring to each individual. With that being said, whenever God's institution is neglected or just simply distorted the consequences are dire.

Even The World Agrees

      Jerod Brown, the Treatment Director for Pathways Counseling and CEO of the American Institute for the Advancement of Forensic Studies wrote an article outlining ten common adverse outcomes of fatherless homes (“Father-Absent Home: Implications for Criminal Justice and Mental Health Professionals”, It’s worth while to note what he discovered.

      Children living in fatherless homes are significantly more vulnerable to physical and mental abuse. Why? Because the one whom God ordained to protect and provide for them is not there to do so.

      Brown says, “Family structure and the lack of paternal involvement are predictive of juvenile delinquency.” They are not just more likely but incredibly likely to engage in criminal activity — from gang-related to drug abuse. Amazing! Much of the crime we see today would be prevented if certain men would step up and tend to their responsibilities. Less children would seek belonging from evil sources.

      When the father is absent it negatively affects the child’s view of authoritative or “paternal-figures”, and this is across the board. From a school teacher, to law-enforcement, to the government, and even to God there would be resentment. Why? All because the one who was the best and closest depiction of the heavenly Father and ultimate authority is MIA.

What About The Fathers At Home?

      It is clearly better for children to have their dads present, but just because a man is in the home doesn’t mean he’s fulfilling his role!

      Is a man satisfying his duty as a father if he’s present but not providing for his family (1 Tim. 5:8)? Is he protecting his children if he’s there but not filtering what’s on their TV, phone or computer screen (Prov. 22:6; 29:17)? Is he teaching them well if he’s at home but never opening his Bible with them (Deut. 6:6-9; Col. 3:20-21)? Is he filling his role if he’s in his house but he has established no structure (1 Tim. 3:4-5)?

      The world would undoubtedly be a better place with more fathers at home. Even more so if every home had a man who was most devoted to God.

      Unfortunately, we can’t guarantee that across the board. But, men, can’t we guarantee it in OUR home (Josh. 24:14-15)?