
Welcome to the website of the members of the Clarksville Church of Christ. We are a group of Christians committed to reproducing first-century Christianity in the 21st century! We invite your participation as we focus on implementing our theme for 2024, "Respecting Bible Authority!"

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Special Topical Study On July 21, 2024

If you have wondered about this question, are looking for the Church found in the New Testament, or curious about what the Bible teaches on unity please join us as we study this topic and give an answer from the Scriptures! Visitors are welcome!

Gospel Meeting With Tack Chumbley, April 21-24, 2024

New Preacher Arrives

Luke Capps began his work with our congregation as our full-time evangelist on Sunday, February 11. He, his wife Paige, and son, Hawk, come to us from Somerset, KY where he has recently worked with the Lakeside church of Christ. He comes highly recommended and we look forward to working with him to spread the Good News in the Clarksville area. We invite you to visit us this week and share the blessings of worshipping God and studying His Word! 

Monday, July 15, 2024

“Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you.”(Daily Reading, ESV)